Hidden Fixings Install Guide

Our handy visual guide to help you install your new sign. This manual assumes you are installing your sign onto an exterior brick wall. Contact us if you need help installing elsewhere.

To proceed, you'll need the following:

The steel rods and superglue are included in your parcel alongside your house sign(s). If you need some more hidden fixings you can order more on our website.

Step-by-step instructions for installing hidden fixings: showing a hand attaching a clip to the back of a panel, followed by aligning and securing the panel onto a wall mount for a seamless finish.

Step 1

Add Glue into the Signs Rear Holes

Gently squeeze approx. 2 drops of glue into the pre-drilled holes in the back of your sign. It doesn't matter if you overfill slightly.

Step-by-step instructions for hidden fixings: showing a hand positioning a clip onto the back of a panel, followed by attaching the panel securely to a wall mount.

Step 2

Gently Insert the Steel Bars

Ensure the steel bars sit straight (90 degrees) and leave to set in the glue for 24 hours.

A visual guide for hidden fixings installation: showing a hand placing a clip onto the back of a panel, then securing the panel onto a wall mount, ensuring it is properly aligned and flush with the wall.

Step 3

Choose the Positioning of Your Sign

Position your steel bars in the back of the sign against the wall and mark where they touch. This will be where you need to drill out holes.

A visual guide for installing hidden fixings: showing a hand attaching a clip to the back of a panel, then aligning and securing the panel onto a wall mount for a flush finish.

Step 4

Drill Out the Wall Holes

We recommend using a 4mm masonry drill bit. You may notice the drill bit is smaller than the steel bars glued in the back of your sign, this is to account for drifting that will occur when you drill the holes.

A step-by-step guide for installing hidden fixings: showing a hand inserting a clip into a groove on the back of a panel, then attaching the panel to a wall mount, ensuring it is securely fastened and flush with the wall.

Step 5

Add Glue into the Wall Holes

You don't need to fill the holes up to the brim.

A visual guide for hidden fixings installation: showing a hand placing a clip onto the back of a panel, then securing the panel onto a wall mount, ensuring it is properly aligned and flush with the wall.

Step 6

Insert Your Sign into the Wall

Gently glide the steel bars into the holes, until they're all the way in. Hold in place for a minute or two, and then you're done.

You're Finished!